Sunday, June 7, 2009

skating all day

nick chillen at kings ditch

smith down hubba and kickflip ramp to gap at nazareth skate park where dick head amatuer athletes kids role

Saturday, June 6, 2009

night wiff nick and hyung!

hyung and dan chillen on hyungs couch

artsy lamp at hyungs taken by me myself nigga

i couldnt land a kickflip on the mini so i let out a fire fart.. ouchh taken by niick
this is what happens too walmart boards

and the trucks get thrown
look im a hollister model nowww

back flipnick learned how to float just recentlytime to go in to pop pops house with nick

time for bed!!

pop pop wanted a feel of that^breakfast in the mornin

now back over to hyungs...finally no rain!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

hardflip church 2 side walk gap in emmaus landed it one try sketchy and the filming was bad but next try a bolts land went down filmed perfectly